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Two French Bulldogs
Three French Bullgod Puppies
Beagle Puppy
Dalmatian Dog
Golden Retriever


If you have forgotten your login info, please do not create a new account. You can email and we will let you know your username and email address so that you can reset your password. Your username is case sensitive.

It's very important that we have updated information BEFORE you bring your pup or kitty. We are so focused and busy catering to them onsite that we miss important administrative details which is why require updated vaccination records BEFORE the start of your reservation and we need it electronically, not in paper form. You can also visit our mobile app or portal to update any feeding or medication instructions. This will save time and possible miscommunication issues. 


Existing Clients and Once You've Registered

If your pup hasn't been with us in the last six months, we need to schedule them as if they are new so that they can get slowly re-acquainted with us and our place. It's important that we are prepared for them so that they can get the individual attention and time that they may need to get happily in a group.


To update information in our portal, you can either download the mobile app (same username and password as the portal) or Click the "Login" button below. Before making a reservation, please make sure that we have your pup or kitty's up-to-date shot records. You can either upload them using the "File Upload" button, that you will see once you login, or have your vet fax them to: 479-250-1880 (Have your Veterinarian fax their inoculation records to us showing up-to-date Bordetella, Rabies, Parvo, and Canine Distemper for dogs and Rabies, FVRCP, and Feline Leukemia).

Parvo/Distemper is often given together in a combo shot and might look like this: "DHPPV", "DHPP", "DA2PP", or "DA2PPV". For more information, please reference this ARTICLE.  

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